Variable Air Volume Systems supply constant temperature air to an area while the volume of air varies as opposed to a conventional HVAC system which has constant volume and varies the air temperature.
Operating costs are greatly reduced compared to the larger conventional HVAC systems by using less fan energy and less refrigeration energy.
Variable Air Volume Systems also cut initial costs since the system capacity is determined from the peak demands of specific zones in lieu of peak demands for the entire building.
The smaller components of a VAV system require less floor space and give the owner the flexibility to adapt to tenant changes as desired at any time during or after construction of the building.
With today's energy conservation needs, air terminals are designed for and adaptable to any modern VAV requirements.
The latest in control components and options provides maximum flexibility with a wide scope for cost effective innovation.
All terminal units are available with attached secondary attenuators
Manufactured from 18 swg. (1.2mm thick) folded galvanised mild steel sheet, formed into a rectangular casing, all longitudinal casing joints are mechanically sealed.
Intake and discharges incorporate rectangular flanges, whichare mechanically fixed to the main body of the attenuator.
Arranged within the casing are vertical attenuating splitter sections manufactured from 21 swg. (0.8mm thick) Galvanised Mild Steel, fixed to the casing by rivets. Splitters are fitted at inlet and discharge with aerodynamically shaped bullnose fairings. Splitters are fitted with 22 swg. (0.7mm thick) expanded or perforated metal facings. Horizontal splitters are also available if required.
Splitters and side linings are filled with an inert, non combustible, non hygroscopic, vermin and rot proof mineral fibre slab which will not support bacterial growth. Usually faced with a glass fibre tissue (FB), however hermetically sealed Melinex membrane bags (FG) are available wherever indoor air quality conditions demand.